Hong Kong Fashion Week for Fall/Winter 19-22 January 2015

Hong Kong Fashion Week for Fall/Winter 19-22 January 2015

Join the TCF Global Buying Mission to
Hong Kong Fashion Week for Fall/Winter
19-22 January 2015

We are hosting a Buying Missions to Hong Kong Fashion Week (Fall/Winter)* on behalf of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

The buying mission is suitable for:

·         Retailers – looking to source and import new fashion and accessory labels

·         Manufacturers – looking to locate off shore manufacturers from Hong Kong, China, India, Taiwan

·         Designers – looking to source CMT factories, trims, accessories and raw materials

·         Industry looking for new fashion business opportunities, attend trend direction seminars, develop new agency / distributorship agreements

·         New Businesses – those wishing to start a new fashion label and looking to undertake market research, sourcing and supply chain requirements to establish a business in the textile, clothing, fashion industry


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Apply for Hotel sponsorship

HKFW offers Hotel Sponsorship Registration & VIP Privileges* to eligible businesses.
To request a Registration form email us

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If you would like to access Free Hong Kong Business Contacts & Linkages email Carol

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